From mumblecore director Aaron Katz (Quiet City), a slice-of-life mystery about a Sherlock Holmes enthusiast, named Doug, who's...
From mumblecore director Aaron Katz (Quiet City), a slice-of-life mystery about a Sherlock Holmes enthusiast, named Doug, who's passion for detective work is stoked when his ex-girlfriend goes missing...
Doug (Cris Lankenau) returns to Portland and quickly lands a dead-end job in an ice factory. When his ex disappears, and armed with a handful of arcane clues, Doug enlists his sister (Trieste Kelly) and co-worker (Raúl Castillo) in a ramshackle investigation that draws the slacker sleuths into Portland's not-quite-seedy underground.
Cold Weather | Details
- Runtime
- 97
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin