A family trip through the New Zealand wilderness turns into a nightmare when they're suddenly confronted by a pair of...
A family trip through the New Zealand wilderness turns into a nightmare when they're suddenly confronted by a pair of drifters in this Sundance thriller starring Daniel Gillies (The Originals) and Miriama McDowell (Waru).
Winding down a desolate road through an endless valley, Alan and Jill stop their car to take their teenage boys on a hike through the New Zealand wilderness. As they rest for a picnic at a clearing overlooking the water, two ominous-looking drifters appear out of nowhere, silently surrounding the peaceful clan and radiating a threat of imminent danger. With a swift act of violence, these men take the family by force, a seemingly random decision that sets them all on a maddening collision course with the ghosts of their pasts—from which there is no escape.
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Coming Home in the Dark | Details
- Rating
- R16, Violence, cruelty, offensive language & content that may disturb
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Thriller
- Country of origin
- New Zealand