Xavier Legrand’s acclaimed directorial debut is a drama charting a family’s struggles with the fallout of divorce. Stars Léa Drucker...
Xavier Legrand’s acclaimed directorial debut is a drama charting a family’s struggles with the fallout of divorce. Stars Léa Drucker and Denis Ménochet.
"Miriam (Drucker, The Blue Room) and Antoine (Ménochet, The Returned) have recently separated. While she’s willing to permit their 17-year-old daughter Joséphine (Mathilde Auneveux) to decide living arrangements for herself, Miriam is desperate to keep her youngest, 12-year-old Julien (Thomas Gioria), away from his father. But the magistrate rules in favour of joint custody, and suddenly the boy is thrown directly into the middle of an escalating parental conflict, where it seems inevitable that sides must be chosen." (Alliance Française)
Where to watch Custody (Jusqu'à la Garde)
Custody (Jusqu'à la Garde) | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the Luigi De Laurentiis Award and the Silver Lion, 2017 Venice Film Festival
- Rating
- M, Violence & offensive language
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France