Dallas Buyers Club

117 mins
Poster for Dallas Buyers Club

True story drama with Matthew McConaughey (in a Golden Globe and Oscar-winning performance) as a womanising, redneck Texan staring down a... More

Where to watch Dallas Buyers Club

Dallas Buyers Club is available to stream in New Zealand... More now on YouTube and Google TV and Apple TV Store.

There is no screening information for this title.

Dallas Buyers Club | Ratings & Reviews

"Director Jean-Marc Valle doesn’t shy away from the visceral nature of the victims’ lifestyles or the disease, showing via woozy handheld photography their sex and drug lifestyle and declining health. Given the lack of over-sentimentality, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that it’s not the most emotionally engaging film. But Dallas Buyers Club is worth seeing for the impressive performances alone."

Flicks, Rebecca Barry HillFlicks

"McConaughey and Leto give terrific performances in this riveting and surprisingly relatable true story."


"If not wholly convincing as an 'issues' movie, this memoir is a triumph as an actors' showcase; with McConaughey and Leto giving the performances of their careers."

Total FilmTotal Film

"Fits our Breaking Bad moment perfectly, offering a difficult hero whose personal code takes on an intriguing coherence."

Time OutTime Out

"An affecting if conventional real-life story of medical activism... McConaughey brings a jolt of unpredictable energy."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"McConaughey delivers a twitchy, hostile performance on par with anything he's done since he escaped the rom com cul-de-sac."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"It's a formulaic story that takes full advantage of these broad, familiar formulas to win viewers, but finds enough unique detail to retain its own identity."

The DissolveThe Dissolve

"Entertaining account of a rodeo redneck who becomes an unlikely angel in the AIDS struggle."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"McConaughey is currently the most exciting acting talent at work in movies."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

Dallas Buyers Club | Details

Award winner
Best Lead Actor (McConaughey), Supporting Actor (Leto), Makeup & Hair, Academy Awards 2014; Best Actor, Drama (McConaughey) and Supporting Actor (Leto), Golden Globes 2014
R16, Sex scenes,violence,drug use and offensive language.
Drama, True Story & Biography
Country of origin

Dallas Buyers Club | Trailers