Robert Pattinson (Twilight), Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland) and Robert Forster (Jackie Brown) lead this comedy Western nominated for the...
Robert Pattinson (Twilight), Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland) and Robert Forster (Jackie Brown) lead this comedy Western nominated for the Golden Berlin Bear at the 2018 Berlinale.
"It’s a classic tale of the Old West: Samuel Alabaster is a man searching for his true love. Parson Henry is another, much drunker man, searching for a new start. Penelope is a woman who has found her own path. And Rufus Cornell is just a mean bastard with a taste for buckskin. There’s rotgut, rawhide, rootin’, tootin’, and hootin’. Plus, a little tiny horse." (Sundance Film Festival)
Damsel (2018) | Details
- Runtime
- 113
- Genre
- Comedy, Western
- Country of origin