When a predatory, wealthy widow (Glenn Close) challenges a notorious rake (John Malkovich) to seduce a beautiful young newlywed (Michelle...
When a predatory, wealthy widow (Glenn Close) challenges a notorious rake (John Malkovich) to seduce a beautiful young newlywed (Michelle Pfeiffer) a cardinal rule will be broken: two players will fall in love - with tragic results. This three-time Oscar winner from director Stephen Frears is based on a scandalous 1782 novel and Christopher Hampton's 1986 stageplay.
Where to watch Dangerous Liaisons (1988)
Dangerous Liaisons (1988) | Details
- Award winner
- Best Art Direction, Costume Design, Best Adapted Screenplay at the Academy Awards 1989.
- Rating
- M, contains sex scenes
- Runtime
- 115
- Genre
- Drama, Romance
- Country of origin