Sundance-winning comedy, with its crosshairs on race and racism in America, following four black students in the midst of a...
Sundance-winning comedy, with its crosshairs on race and racism in America, following four black students in the midst of a racial controversy at their Ivy League college.
"At prestigious Winchester University, biracial student Samantha White begins her radio show, 'Dear White People, the amount of black friends required not to seem racist has just been raised to two. Sorry, your weed man, Tyrone, doesn't count.' Sam becomes president of the all-black residential hall Parker/Armstrong, whose existence is facing extinction in the name of diversification. TV reality show Black Face/White Place smells gold in Sam’s story and decides to follow it...
"The clamor over Sam's rise also becomes a career-defining opportunity for black misfit Lionel Higgins when he is asked to join the school’s lily-white newspaper staff to cover the controversy, even though he secretly knows little about black culture." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch Dear White People
Dear White People | Details
- Award winner
- Special Jury Prize winner, Sundance Film Festival 2014
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 106
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin