Adrien Brody is a drifting substitute teacher who finds uneasy connections with his new students in this intense classroom drama...
Adrien Brody is a drifting substitute teacher who finds uneasy connections with his new students in this intense classroom drama from the director American History X. Also stars Marcia Gay Harden, James Caan and Lucy Liu.
Henry (Brody) is transferred to yet another school, where an indifferent management has filled the classrooms with lethargic students and potential burnouts. Having avoided building relationships with prior students, Henry realises that his apathetic methods will be of no use here. His longing sense of attachment slowly starts to emerge with the aid of three women: photography enthusiast Meredith, a student of his, Ms. Madison, a fellow teacher, and Erica, a sidewalk prostitute.
Where to watch Detachment
Detachment | Details
- Rating
- R16, Violence, sexual material, suicide & offensive language
- Runtime
- 97
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin