David Oyelowo and Storm Reid (A Wrinkle in Time) star in this Blumhouse time travel crime thriller directed by Jacob...
David Oyelowo and Storm Reid (A Wrinkle in Time) star in this Blumhouse time travel crime thriller directed by Jacob Estes (Mean Creek).
"Los Angeles detective Jack Radcliff (Oyelowo) fields a distressed phone call from his niece Ashley (Reid) and rushes to the rescue—only to find the girl and her parents dead in an apparent murder-suicide. Then, just as the police department declares the killings an open-and-shut case, Jack gets another call from Ashley. With the cell-phone connection acting as a link between the past and the present, Jack urges Ashley to collect clues that will help him to solve her murder and change her fate." (Sundance Film Festival)
Don't Let Go | Details
- Rating
- TBC,
- Runtime
- 103
- Genre
- Thriller
- Country of origin