Stop-frame animated film set at the dawn of time by four-time Oscar-winning Aardman director Nick Park (Curse of the Were-Rabbit). Features...
Stop-frame animated film set at the dawn of time by four-time Oscar-winning Aardman director Nick Park (Curse of the Were-Rabbit). Features the voices of Eddie Redmayne and Tom Hiddleston.
Pint-sized Dug (Redmayne) isn't really cut out to be a caveman. But when disaster strikes and his tribe is driven from its homeland by the mighty Bronze Age, it's Dug, the most inept of the tribe, who proves he's got what it takes and leads them to victory.
Where to watch Early Man
Early Man | Details
- Rating
- PG, Coarse language
- Runtime
- 89
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- UK, France