The unique oddball romantic comedy, written by the inventive Charlie Kaufman and directed by French low-fi innovator Michel Gondry, Eternal...
The unique oddball romantic comedy, written by the inventive Charlie Kaufman and directed by French low-fi innovator Michel Gondry, Eternal Sunshine used a wacky premise – a couple undergo a scientific procedure to erase their memories of each other after things turn sour – to explore the tentative joy of a new relationship. Featuring career-best performances from Jim Carrey as the shy Joel and Kate Winslet as the free-spirited Clementine, Eternal Sunshine is best remembered for the army of visual tricks Gondry uses to convey the emotions of the mind. This was the love story of the decade.
Where to watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind | Details
- Award winner
- Best Screenplay, Academy Awards 2005.
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 108
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, Romance
- Country of origin