Murray Ball’s iconic, 1987 animated film about the trials and tribulations of small town rural life in New Zealand through...
Murray Ball’s iconic, 1987 animated film about the trials and tribulations of small town rural life in New Zealand through the eyes of farmer Wal (appropriately voiced by Fred Dagg) and his trusty pet, known simply as Dog.
In turn, the film provided the purest expression of kiwiana mythology ever produced, with everything from trying to catch the eye of All Black selectors to taking your Sheila on a date at the local pie cart. Topping it all off is the most famous soundtrack in the history of the New Zealand film industry, with Dave Dobbyn and The Herbs supplying the tunes. It’s ‘80s nostalgia, New Zealand style.
Where to watch Footrot Flats: The Dog's Tale
Footrot Flats: The Dog's Tale | Details
- Rating
- PG, contains low level offensive language
- Runtime
- 71
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy
- Country of origin
- New Zealand, Australia