Director Ken Love (Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Masterwork) focuses on Wright once again, exploring the relationship between Japanese aesthetics and...
Director Ken Love (Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Masterwork) focuses on Wright once again, exploring the relationship between Japanese aesthetics and the philosophy of America’s foremost architect. Narrated by George Takei.
Wright’s love affair with Japanese art is documented through accounts by his apprentices and by scholars. Through rare archival footage, Mr. Wright discusses Japanese Art as he introduces its beauty to his apprentices. The film features Mr. Wright’s rich Japanese art collection and juxtaposes his own masterworks with stunning traditional Japanese scenes. With deeper knowledge of his life-long passion, we’ll see that Mr. Wright incorporated Japanese artistic principles and sensibilities into nearly all of his works.
Frank Lloyd Wright and Japanese Art | Details
- Rating
- Exempt,
- Runtime
- 61
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin