Tim Burton’s monochrome stop-motion animated film about young Victor who conducts a science experiment to bring his beloved dog Sparky...
Tim Burton’s monochrome stop-motion animated film about young Victor who conducts a science experiment to bring his beloved dog Sparky back to life, only to face unintended and monstrous consequences.
After Sparky's untimely death, Victor harnesses the power of science to bring his best pal back to life - with just a few minor adjustments. He tries to hide his home-sewn creation, but when Sparky gets out, Victor’s friends (including Elsa, voiced by Winona Ryder), enemies, parents (voiced by Catherine O'Hara and Martin Short) and the entire town all learn that getting a new 'leash on life' can be disastrous.
Over 200 puppets were created for the movie which began life as Burton's 1984 short film, a comedy homage to Frankenstein.
Where to watch Frankenweenie
Frankenweenie | Details
- Rating
- PG, contains scary scenes
- Runtime
- 87
- Genre
- Kids & Family
- Country of origin