A young boy is on the hunt for a cure to his mother's illness in a dystopian future desert world...
A young boy is on the hunt for a cure to his mother's illness in a dystopian future desert world in this action thriller co-directed by James Franco.
Inside a desert oasis, a queen (Lucy Liu) lays dying as her son Prince (Jeffrey Wahlberg) travels across barren waste lands to find a near-mythical medicine to save her life. After evading violent raiders on motorbikes led by the Warlord (James Franco) and his enforcer (Cliff “Method Man” Smith), Prince meets Ash (Suki Waterhouse), the Warlord’s robot sex companion-assassin who’s in search of her own soul. As Prince is captured by the Druglord (Milla Jovovich), the Warlord’s forces roar in – and Prince fights to save the remnants of humanity.
Where to watch Future World
Future World | Details
- Genre
- Action, Science Fiction, Western
- Country of origin