In this classic 1984 comedy, three odd-ball scientists (Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis) get kicked out of their...
In this classic 1984 comedy, three odd-ball scientists (Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis) get kicked out of their cushy positions at a university in New York City where they studied the occult. They decide to set up shop in an old firehouse and become Ghostbusters, trapping pesky ghosts, spirits, haunts, and poltergeists for money. But when a woman (Sigourney Weaver) stumbles upon a gateway to another dimension, one which will release untold evil upon the city, the Ghostbusters are called on to save the Big Apple.
Where to watch Ghostbusters (1984)
Ghostbusters (1984) | Details
- Rating
- PG, contains coarse language
- Runtime
- 105
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids & Family, Science Fiction
- Country of origin