Grace of Monaco

103 mins
Poster for Grace of Monaco

Nicole Kidman is Grace Kelly, the 1950s Hollywood star who retired from acting at age 26 to take up duties... More

Where to watch Grace of Monaco

Grace of Monaco is available to stream in New Zealand... More now on YouTube and Google TV and Apple TV Store and Neon Rentals.

There is no screening information for this title.

Grace of Monaco | Ratings & Reviews

"As someone with the utmost aversion to body shaming and Hollywood beauty ideals, this is a hard one to frame but it has to be acknowledged that if you undertake to portray one of the most mesmerising beauties in all of film history, then certain expectations exist. One of them is not that a 33-year-old Grace Kelly will be portrayed by a middle-aged woman whose waxen death mask of a face has been paralysed into an approximation of youth. It’s unfair, but everything else hinges on the fact that if Kidman had dazzled, the rest of the film’s flaws would seem more forgivable. Instead her taut features fascinate, but in a distracting, Siamese-twin-foetus-in-a-jar kind of way."

Flicks, Leonie HaydenFlicks

"Cardboard and frequently cornball melodrama."


"More high camp than High Society, Dahan’s hilariously ham-fisted biopic seeks high-stakes operatic thrills, but provides shrill melodramatic spills."

Total FilmTotal Film

"Little is left to our imagination or intelligence as characters spout facts and exposition and we're treated to a parade of familiar historical figures in distracting smaller roles."

Time OutTime Out

"Like a 104-minute Chanel ad, only without the subtlety and depth."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Kidman does her best to dignify the role, but it's all victimhood and tears."

Sydney Morning HeraldSydney Morning Herald

"It is almost perversely impressive how Dahan misses almost every target and squanders almost every opportunity."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"The film fails to deliver any dramatic punch or psychological insight. An opportunity squandered."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

Grace of Monaco | Details

PG, Violence, coarse language and sexual references
Drama, True Story & Biography
Country of origin
France, USA, Belgium, Italy

Grace of Monaco | Trailers