Filmed over a period of three years, this Cuban documentary follows a devoted deaf and mute husband who is presented...
Filmed over a period of three years, this Cuban documentary follows a devoted deaf and mute husband who is presented with the possibility of running away with a gay Mexican man in order to financially support his wife and children.
In Havana's deaf-mute community, Chino and his family struggle to make ends meet. When Chino encounters Jose, a Mexican male tourist who falls in love with him, he and his wife discuss the possibility of him fleeing to Mexico in order to make a better living and send money back to the family in Cuba.
Habana Muda | Details
- Award winner
- Grand Jury Award for Outstanding Documentary Feature at Outfest 2011. Special Jury Prize at NewFest 2011.
- Runtime
- 61
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Cuba, France