Half Nelson

106 mins
Poster for Half Nelson
Dan Dunne (Ryan Gosling) is a young teacher at a shabby Brooklyn junior high school, who somehow finds the energy... More

Where to watch Half Nelson

Half Nelson is available to stream in New Zealand now... More on AroVision.

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Half Nelson | Ratings & Reviews

"The audacity of making an inner-city drama in which the white-male authority figure is the crackhead finds its equal in Gosling's already legendary performance, a high-wire act that's gutsiest for its unconscionable charm..."

Village VoiceVillage Voice

"An inspirational teacher picture devoid of the usual pieties is driven by a brilliant performance by Gosling..."

New Zealand HeraldNew Zealand Herald

"A really rewarding watch, if you're in the mood..."


"What is different about Half Nelson is the execution, the kind of subtlety in writing, directing and acting (by costars Shareeka Epps and Anthony Mackie as well as Gosling) you seldom see..."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"Just wonderful with its offbeat but wholly credible storyline, down-to-earth style and exceptionally fine performances..."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"Avoiding the usual cliches of the "inspirational teacher" flick, Half Nelson is a wise, absorbing and refreshingly unsentimental portrait of a student-teacher relationship in the noughties..."

Christchurch PressChristchurch Press

"Writer/director Ryan Fleck shoots the action in a way that's raw and unsentimental yet brimming with humanity. He examines the everyday exploits of a functioning addict and an apprentice drug dealer with so much absorbing detail that contrived shoot-outs and OD panic scenes aren't necessary to create drama. Instead of preaching, Fleck uses humour to point out hypocrisy. Funny moments spring naturally, like a scene where Drey backchats Mr Dunne and, rather than take the high road, he responds in kind. It takes a while to settle into the rhythm (feeling episodic at first), but Half Nelson soon takes hold with a vice-like grip..."


Half Nelson | Details

R16, drug use, sex scenes, offensive language
Country of origin

Half Nelson | Trailers