"This is the disturbing movie that caused a ruckus at the Sundance Film Fest. It's a celluloid payback for every...
"This is the disturbing movie that caused a ruckus at the Sundance Film Fest. It's a celluloid payback for every underage girl who's been mistreated by an adult male. It's Red Riding Hood in reverse, inspired by the true story of Japanese schoolgirls who baited older men over the internet and then attacked them.
This will divide audiences with its changing perspective on the treatment of the two leads, a feisty 14-year-old and a 32-year old fashion photographer. When the presumed predator invites the girl back to his Hollywood Hills home, the tables are set for an afternoon of excruciating (if you're male) developments. The film also comes with a warning; like many that focus on sexual violence, this one treads a very fine line between exploitation and art." Ant Timpson, NZFF.
Where to watch Hard Candy
Hard Candy | Details
- Rating
- R18, contains sadistic cruelty
- Runtime
- 104
- Genre
- Thriller
- Country of origin