
170 mins
Poster for Heat

Michael Mann's gripping LA crime drama following the intense rivalry between an expert thief and a volatile cop. Famed for... More

Where to watch Heat

Heat is available to stream in New Zealand now on... More Prime Video and Apple TV Store and Disney+ and Prime Video Store.

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Heat | Ratings & Reviews

"One of the greatest crime films of all time."

Film ThreatFilm Threat

"A career high point for pretty much everyone involved."

The TimesThe Times

"26 years after it was released, I'm not sure that Heat has ever been bettered as an action film, or as a crime drama."


"A cat-and-mouse game played by experts."

San Francisco ChronicleSan Francisco Chronicle

"An intelligent and exciting actioner absolutely jam-packed with great moments."

Herald SunHerald Sun

"(Mann) binds sound, music and pictures into one hypnotic triaxial cable and plugs it right into your brain."

The Washington PostThe Washington Post

"Michael Mann's writing and direction elevate this material. It's not just an action picture."

Roger EbertRoger Ebert

"Heat is in the cop-movie pantheon with Akira Kurosawa's High and Low, and that's as "right" as the genre gets."

USA TodayUSA Today

"A sleek, accomplished piece of work, meticulously controlled and completely involving."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"Stunningly made and incisively acted by a large and terrific cast."


"Heat packs more into one cop movie than the entire genre output of the last five years."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"An unusually articulate action thriller."


"As Heat progresses, its sensational looks pale beside storytelling weaknesses."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"This is simply the best American crime movie -- and indeed, one of the finest movies, period -- in over a decade."

Time OutTime Out

"Heat has it all."

Austin ChronicleAustin Chronicle

"All the squealing tires, flying bullets and falling bodies cannot save Heat from drowning in its own banalities."


"Heat is an ''epic'' that feels like a stunt."

Entertainment WeeklyEntertainment Weekly

"Becomes consistently more interesting as it forges on toward the 180-minute mark."

Seattle TimesSeattle Times

"It has craft, pacing, and an overall sense of proportion, three pretty rare classic virtues nowadays."

Chicago ReaderChicago Reader

"The real honours go to Val Kilmer and Ashley Judd as a warring, loving couple."

The New YorkerThe New Yorker

"Grim, tough and racy."

Chicago TribuneChicago Tribune

"Odd though often entertaining."

New York Daily NewsNew York Daily News

Heat | Details

R16, Violence & offensive language
Action, Drama
Country of origin

Heat | Trailers