Kurosawa transforms an Ed McBain thriller into an epic moral tale in which a man is faced with a terrible...
Kurosawa transforms an Ed McBain thriller into an epic moral tale in which a man is faced with a terrible dilemma when his son is kidnapped.
"Toshiro Mifune stars as Gondo, a wealthy businessman who lives in a fine house on top of a hill overlooking the city. He’s about to swing a deal that will make him very rich when he receives a message to say that his small son has been kidnapped – and an unrealistically high ransom is being demanded for his safe return. But the boy is safe: it was Gondo’s chauffeur’s son who was kidnapped by mistake. So the question is asked: is the son of a chauffeur worth the same as the son of a businessman?" (David Stratton)
High and Low (1963) | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 153
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin
- Japan