Family adventure from the director of The Fugitive, based on the young adult novel by Louis Sachar. Dogged by bad...
Family adventure from the director of The Fugitive, based on the young adult novel by Louis Sachar. Dogged by bad luck stemming from an ancient family curse, young Stanley Yelnats (Shia LaBeouf) is sent to Camp Green Lake, a very weird place that's not green and doesn't have a lake. Once there, he's thrown headlong into the adventure of his life when he and his colorful campmates – Squid, Armpit, Zigzag, Magnet, X-Ray, and Zero – must dig a hole a day to keep the warden at bay. But why?
Where to watch Holes
Holes | Details
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 117
- Genre
- Kids & Family