The animated monster mash family comedy from Adam Sandler and Samurai Jack creator Genndy Tartakovsky returns, with Selena Gomez, Andy Samberg, Fran...
The animated monster mash family comedy from Adam Sandler and Samurai Jack creator Genndy Tartakovsky returns, with Selena Gomez, Andy Samberg, Fran Drescher and Mel Brooks all providing their voices for the sequel.
Dracula is now the proud grandfather of daughter Mavis and Jonathan’s son Dennis, but while the young boy is clearly human in appearance, he doesn’t seem to be growing into his vampire powers yet. Worried that his grandson may never inherit his family’s gifted genes, Drac takes the child and the rest of the gang to the ruthless boot camp where he first learned to be a monster.
Where to watch Hotel Transylvania 2
Hotel Transylvania 2 | Details
- Rating
- PG, Violence & scary scenes
- Runtime
- 89
- Genre
- Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin