Ghostly Kiwi tale – fusing horror, mystery and comedy – sees Kylie (Morgana O'Reilly) sentenced to home detention and forced...
Ghostly Kiwi tale – fusing horror, mystery and comedy – sees Kylie (Morgana O'Reilly) sentenced to home detention and forced to return to her childhood home. There, Kylie finds herself not only sharing the house once again with her mum (Rima Te Wiata) – who's convinced the place is haunted – but also unsettling phenomena that force Kylie to consider that a ghostly being may not only exist, but also be pissed off about her presence. The directorial debut of Gerard Johnstone (TV's The Jaquie Brown Diaries).
Where to watch Housebound
Housebound | Details
- Rating
- R13, Violence, horror scenes and offensive language
- Runtime
- 109
- Genre
- Comedy, Horror
- Country of origin
- New Zealand