Through the eyes of a drifter who chooses to live on the streets, Chinese filmmaker Nanfu Wang explores the meaning...
Through the eyes of a drifter who chooses to live on the streets, Chinese filmmaker Nanfu Wang explores the meaning of personal freedom - and its limits.
"When Nanfu Wang first came to America, Florida seemed like an exotic frontier full of theme parks, prehistoric swamp creatures, and sunburned denizens. Now as she travels wide-eyed from one city to another, she encounters Dylan Olsen, a charismatic young drifter who left a comfortable home and loving family for a life of intentional homelessness. Fascinated by his choice and his rejection of society’s rules, Wang follows Olsen with her camera on a journey that spans across years, takes her across America, and explores the meaning of freedom — and its limits. But as Wang delves into Olsen’s world, she discovers something that calls her entire world view into question." (DocEdge Film Festival)
I Am Another You | Details
- Award winner
- Special Jury Recognition for Excellence in Documentary Storytelling, SXSW LUNA® Chicken & Egg Award (Wang), 2018 South by Southwest Film Festival
- Runtime
- 80
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin