London-set noir thriller about the relationship between femme fatale Anna (Charlotte Rampling) and the detective investigating a brutal murder (Gabriel...
London-set noir thriller about the relationship between femme fatale Anna (Charlotte Rampling) and the detective investigating a brutal murder (Gabriel Byrne).
Anna is a divorced woman who re-enters the singles scene with a night of speed dating. She hits it off with a fellow who later turns up murdered. The detective investigating the murder (Byrne), himself going through a divorce, takes a shine to Anna at first sight but doesn't realise her connection to the victim. As a mutual attraction blossoms and an ethically-dubious romance begins, Anna prepares to reveal a dark mystery.
Director Barnaby Southcombe is the son of lead actress Charlotte Rampling.
Where to watch I, Anna
I, Anna | Details
- Rating
- R16, contains violence, sexual violence, offensive language & content that may disturb
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Drama, Romance, Thriller
- Country of origin
- UK, Germany, France