Coen brothers' dramedy set against the 1960s New York/Greenwich Village folk scene, loosely based on the travails of singer-songwriter Dave...
Coen brothers' dramedy set against the 1960s New York/Greenwich Village folk scene, loosely based on the travails of singer-songwriter Dave Van Ronk. Stars Carey Mulligan, Justin Timberlake, John Goodman and Oscar Isaac (Drive) in the lead. Grand Jury Prize winner at Cannes 2013.
Struggling folk singer Llewyn Davis (Isaac) has lost his musical partner Mike to suicide and his foray into being a solo musician with the album Inside Llewyn Davis is selling poorly. Davis spends his nights on friends' couches and his days trying to score his big break. Finding himself variously in the middle of a love triangle with friends Jim (Timberlake) and Jean (Mulligan); on the road to Chicago with fellow musicians; or getting beaten up outside music venues, this is one tough week in the life of Llewyn Davis.
Where to watch Inside Llewyn Davis
Inside Llewyn Davis | Details
- Award winner
- Grand Prix winner at Cannes Film Festival 2013
- Rating
- M, Offensive language
- Runtime
- 104
- Genre
- Drama, Music
- Country of origin