Joaquin Phoenix stars in Woody Allen’s dark comedy-drama as philosophy professor Abe Lucas, caught in the midst of a grim...
Joaquin Phoenix stars in Woody Allen’s dark comedy-drama as philosophy professor Abe Lucas, caught in the midst of a grim existential crisis. Emma Stone co-leads the film as a bright student who takes a fascination to Abe, resulting in a unique relationship will change their whole perspectives of life… not necessarily in a good way.
Abe has a healthy reputation as a professor of philosophy, but not exactly a healthy outlook on life. He’s been welcomed by a small town university with open arms and invited back to the bedroom by his former flame (Parker Posey), though this does not steer him away from his own dark thoughts – ones he constantly drowns with alcohol. But when his student provides him with a golden reason to live, albeit by accident, Abe suddenly finds a profound purpose. And that’s when things really start to go wrong.
Where to watch Irrational Man
Irrational Man | Details
- Rating
- M, Sex scenes and offensive language
- Runtime
- 96
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, Romance
- Country of origin