Greg Jardin's twisty sci-fi-horror debut, which premiered at Sundance, sees a pre-wedding party descend into an existential nightmare when an...
Greg Jardin's twisty sci-fi-horror debut, which premiered at Sundance, sees a pre-wedding party descend into an existential nightmare when an estranged friend shows up with a mysterious suitcase.
Alycia Debnam-Carey (Fear the Walking) stars alongside Brittany O’Grady (The White Lotus), and James Morosini (I Love My Dad).
'Within the soapy fun of the spirited party atmosphere, Jardin ratchets up the tension and thrills, cunningly deploying stylish expository clues so that audiences can marvel at the fast-paced plot twists without being left behind.... The production’s splashy, colorful visual style echoes the exuberance of the high-concept premise, allowing for a layered delight in this immensely entertaining, wholly original brainteaser of a film.' (Sundance).
Where to watch It's What's Inside
It's What's Inside | Details
- Rating
- 16,
- Runtime
- 103
- Genre
- Horror, Science Fiction
- Country of origin