French drama about a doctor (played by Kristin Scott Thomas, The English Patient, Gosford Park), just released from prison, dealing...
French drama about a doctor (played by Kristin Scott Thomas, The English Patient, Gosford Park), just released from prison, dealing with her new freedom and a rediscovered family.
Carrying some major emotional baggage and a terrible secret, she is invited to live with her sister Léa (Elsa Zylberstein), her husband Luc (Serge Hazanavicius), their two adopted Vietnamese daughters and Luc’s mute father (deprived of speech by a stroke). Tensions simmer as Juliette struggles to fit back into normal life, but her relationships with the two children, Lea’s friend Michel and the silent Papy Paul begin to bring her out of her emotional cocoon.
This is the debut feature from French novelist Philippe Claudel. Read our interview with Mr Claudel here.
Where to watch I've Loved You So Long
I've Loved You So Long | Details
- Award winner
- Prize Of The Ecumenical Jury - Berlin Film Festival<br> Reader Jury of the Berliner Morgenpost - Berlin Film Festival<br> European Film Awards - Best Actress (Kristin Scott Thomas)
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 117
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France