New Zealand comedy-drama about the overworked and underappreciated Jacob, a man who has given up on pursuing his dreams. Unable...
New Zealand comedy-drama about the overworked and underappreciated Jacob, a man who has given up on pursuing his dreams. Unable (or unwilling) to turn his life around, a mysterious agency inexplicably hires an actor to recast his role as “Jake” – opening Jacob up to a new life.
However, this new charismatic lead is able to turn this once-nightmarish old life back around, charming everyone he knows including his lost love Violet. Jacob soon sees the value in the life he took for granted, but an electro-shock anklet prevents him from disturbing Jake’s performance, and the actor isn’t going to give up this role of a lifetime…
Jake | Details
- Rating
- R13, Violence, offensive language, drug use and sexual material
- Runtime
- 88
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- New Zealand