Filmmaker Florian Habicht (Pulp, Kaikohe Demolition) follows the lives of a tohunga (shaman) and his 99-year-old mother as she nears a...
Filmmaker Florian Habicht (Pulp, Kaikohe Demolition) follows the lives of a tohunga (shaman) and his 99-year-old mother as she nears a century on Earth.
Isey lives with her adult son James on their small farm in Kawakawa. They are descendants of Ngāti Manu – the Bird People. Isey is turning 100 years in a week. In their unique relationship, James has devoted the last 20 years to looking after his mum and bringing the spirit world onboard to get her over 100.
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James & Isey | Details
- Rating
- M, Offensive language
- Runtime
- 91
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- New Zealand