In Hiroshi Okuyama’s debut, Jesus is the tiny imaginary friend of a young Japanese boy. Winner of the New Directors...
In Hiroshi Okuyama’s debut, Jesus is the tiny imaginary friend of a young Japanese boy. Winner of the New Directors competition at San Sebastian.
"Nine-year-old Yura moves with his parents from Tokyo to a countryside town to join the boy’s grandmother. A shy boy, Yura must adapt to a new school, complicated by the fact that it’s a Christian institution. At first Yura struggles with the religious enthusiasm of his classmates but when, in the midst of prayer, a very small Jesus (played energetically by Australian comedian Chad Mullane) manifests himself, the boy quickly comes to the faith. Jesus becomes his entertaining playmate with the added advantage of making Yura’s every wish come true." (Sydney Film Festival)
Jesus | Details
- Runtime
- 77
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Japan