British-Irish, feel-good coming-of-age dramedy. Follows the misadventures of Joy (Olivia Coleman), an angry mum out of her depth, and runaway...
British-Irish, feel-good coming-of-age dramedy. Follows the misadventures of Joy (Olivia Coleman), an angry mum out of her depth, and runaway 12-year-old Mully (Charlie Reid).
"If Joy honest to herself, when she looks in the mirror she sees the shadow of her own neglectful mother. Mully also has a mum-shaped void in his life, as well as a conman dad. But Mully’s got balls; he knicks his dad’s stash of cash and steals a taxi in a bid for freedom. But, there’s an almighty yell from the back seat. It’s Joy – hungover, freaking out, and holding her baby. As they tear up the road on their riotous misadventure, we follow these roguish ‘outlaws’ in search of their dreams, in this feel-good, foul-mouthed fairy-tale." (Official synopsis)
Where to watch Joyride (2021)
Joyride (2021) | Details
- Rating
- M, Offensive language
- Runtime
- 94
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- Ireland