Jupiter Ascending

127 mins
Poster for Jupiter Ascending

The Wachowskis' sci-fi epic, starring Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum. In a universe where humans are unaware of being near the... More

Where to watch Jupiter Ascending

Jupiter Ascending is available to stream in New Zealand now... More on YouTube and Google TV and Apple TV Store and Prime Video Store.

There is no screening information for this title.

Jupiter Ascending | Ratings & Reviews

"If you think an intergalactic fairy tale sporting tons of prosthetics needs spicing up with a mix of royal family infighting and corporate takeover, then I refer you to Phantom Menace-era trade blockade enthusiast George Lucas, and now Jupiter Ascending. Pursuing their now-trademark singular vision that defies commercial or critical reaction, the Wachowskis have produced a head-scratching blend of action, cosmic grandiosity, over- and under-acting, and flat romance that’s never predictable in when it will stun the senses or bore you into submission."

Flicks, Steve NewallFlicks

"(A) long, dull and downright bizarre bore-a-thon..."

Herald SunHerald Sun

"The Wachowskis create a churning, swooping C.G.I. universe that’s decorated to the corners of the frame without taste or imagination."

The New YorkerThe New Yorker

"Jupiter Ascending is inane from first frame to last..."


"Pandering FX padding, unnurtured by humor or heart, is what shifts Jupiter Ascending from a shambles to a fiasco."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"Jupiter Ascending's early cleverness dries up quickly... leaving us with just another incoherent sci-fi spectacle."

Entertainment WeeklyEntertainment Weekly

"(The Wachowskis') dialogue couldn’t be more pedestrian, filled with thumping cliches delivered without a trace of irony."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"A movie so jaw-droppingly awful that you can't wait to see what happens next..."

New York PostNew York Post

"Like many fantasy features by the Wachowskis, this is a wonder to behold, full of minutely realized gadgetry, but a chore to follow, full of barely realized characters."

Chicago ReaderChicago Reader

"Huge in scale and spectacle but thin on story."

The TimesThe Times

"A cheap anti-authoritarian tantrum embedded in an intergalactic action-melodrama."

Slant MagazineSlant Magazine

"With a blunt wit, misguided performances and a dull story, Jupiter ends up falling down."

New York Daily NewsNew York Daily News

"Despite being packed with incident, in-jokes, and vampire-aristocrat intrigue, it’s a breeze..."

A.V. ClubA.V. Club

"There is no shortage of head-scratchingly dumb moments in this bloated 3D space opera."

Little White LiesLittle White Lies

"So juvenile not even Eddie Redmayne can save it..."


"Jupiter Ascending feels watchable but second-hand, with a certain giggle-worthy flamboyance..."


"While the Wachowskis have always put their greatest emphasis on aesthetics, they allow the visual impulse to get the best of them here..."


"Both visually and in the action stakes, Jupiter Ascending could give pretty much any space movie a run for its money."

Total FilmTotal Film

"You may fear for your sanity during Jupiter Ascending, but you’ll come out smiling."

Time OutTime Out

"A big, woozy, spacey fairy tale with a science-fiction exoskeleton and a core of pure mush."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"It’s all very chaotic and entertaining, like a bizarre cult sci-fi TV show that somehow survived a threat of mid-season cancellation."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Not as funny as Guardians, as awe-inspiring as Interstellar, as thrilling as Edge Of Tomorrow, or as provocative as Under The Skin."

The DissolveThe Dissolve

"Anyone hoping for the old Matrix magic to rematerialize (it's been 15 years) is due for more disappointment."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"It’s frequently entertaining, but as much for its terrible moments as its inspired touches."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

Jupiter Ascending | Details

M, Violence
Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Thriller
Country of origin