The third instalment to the Jurassic Park series sees Sam Neill returning to dinosaur-infested lands on the request of two...
The third instalment to the Jurassic Park series sees Sam Neill returning to dinosaur-infested lands on the request of two concerned parents. Directed by Joe Johnston (Captain America: The First Avenger), co-stars William H. Macy and Téa Leoni.
When Paul (Macy) convinces Dr. Alan Grant (Neill) to guide him and his wife Amanda (Leoni) through a simple flying tour over Isla Sorna, he reluctantly accepts. However, when the plane lands, the couple’s ulterior motives are revealed: they are searching for their son Eric who is reported missing after paragliding. Scammed into helping them, the rescue plan soon turns into a fight for survival when a pack of velociraptors begin to show signs of intellectual evolution.
Where to watch Jurassic Park III
Jurassic Park III | Details
- Rating
- M, contains medium level violence
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Thriller
- Country of origin