The friendship between two childhood friends from the same Quebec Innu community begins to fray when one falls for a...
The friendship between two childhood friends from the same Quebec Innu community begins to fray when one falls for a white boy, in this Canadian coming-of-age drama.
"Adapted from Naomi Fontaine's acclaimed novel, Kuessipan is Myriam Verreault's first narrative feature. In a Quebec Innu community, Mikuan (Sharon Fontaine-Ishpatao) and Shaniss (Yamie Grégoire) struggle to maintain their close friendship when they clash over their diverging ambitions. When Mikuan falls in love with a white boy and starts to consider a life beyond their tiny reserve, her bond with Shaniss and her family is put to the test... Kuessipan is told through an Indigenous lens yet remains relevant to us all as we discover the power of community — along with the individual strength it takes to follow our own path." (Toronto International Film Festival)
Kuessipan | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 117
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Canada