"In La Danse: The Paris Opera Ballet, his 36th documentary in more than 40 years, Frederick Wiseman takes his camera...
"In La Danse: The Paris Opera Ballet, his 36th documentary in more than 40 years, Frederick Wiseman takes his camera into the stately and elegant Palais Garnier in Paris, observing rehearsals, staff meetings and, finally, performances of seven dances, including classics like The Nutcracker and spiky new work by younger choreographers. To say that the film, sumptuous in its length and graceful in its rhythm, is a feast for ballet lovers is to state the obvious and also to sell Mr Wiseman’s achievement a bit short. Yes, this is one of the finest dance films ever made, but there’s more to it than that… The substance of Mr Wiseman’s particular genius is the way it transfixes you with the inner workings of an institution you may not otherwise care about." (New Zealand International Film Festival 2010)
La Danse: The Paris Opera Ballet | Details
- Runtime
- 158
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- USA, France