Sundance Grand Jury Prize-nominated comedy from the director of Obvious Child, featuring Jenny Slate once again alongside John Turturro (The...
Sundance Grand Jury Prize-nominated comedy from the director of Obvious Child, featuring Jenny Slate once again alongside John Turturro (The Night Of), Edie Flaco (Nurse Jackie) and rising star Abby Quinn.
"The Manhattan of 1995: a land without cell phones, but abundant in CD listening stations, bar smoke, and family dysfunction. Enter the Jacobs. Eldest daughter Dana’s (Slate) looming marriage to straight-laced Ben (Jay Duplass) prompts a willful dive into her wild side, while her younger sister, Ali, (Quinn) is still in high school but leads a covert life of sex, drugs, and clubbing. After discovering love letters penned by their father, the sisters try to expose his apparent affair while keeping it from their all-too-composed mother." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch Landline
Landline | Details
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin