Adventure documentary by Clive Neeson following New Zealand's adventure pioneers, compiled from a lifetime of original footage from around the...
Adventure documentary by Clive Neeson following New Zealand's adventure pioneers, compiled from a lifetime of original footage from around the world.
"In the beautiful wilderness of New Zealand, when necessity was the mother of invention, a maverick bunch of kids began experimenting with something that would change the world. In 45 years of stunning original footage we experience first-hand the adventures of early adrenaline seekers and join them on the roads less travelled and discover the world's secret paradises. Last Paradise is the untold story of extreme sports innovation from its comical beginnings to the cutting edge of what it is today. Between the lines is a shocking revelation of a wilderness lost, but through the same story we discover a science to save it." (NZ International Film Festival)
Where to watch Last Paradise
Last Paradise | Details
- Runtime
- 108
- Genre
- Documentary, Sport
- Country of origin
- New Zealand