Jean Reno leads Luc Besson’s 1994 crime thriller as the coolest of cool professional assassins who rescues a young girl...
Jean Reno leads Luc Besson’s 1994 crime thriller as the coolest of cool professional assassins who rescues a young girl (Natalie Portman) made an orphan by a police raid that claimed her family’s lives. Co-stars Gary Oldman. The film went on to catapult Besson to the Hollywood blockbuster scene, attributing his craft to the director’s chair (1997’s The Fifth Element) and the writer’s room (2008’s Taken).
Mathilda (Portman) want revenge – not for her drug-dealing father who brought on the fatal raid, but for her little brother who got placed in the crossfire. Leon (Reno) is neither a father-figure nor a friendly one, but eventually breaks down to Mathilda’s request to even the score. Meanwhile, the corrupt officer who murdered her family is looking to finish the job…
Where to watch Léon: The Professional
Léon: The Professional | Details
- Rating
- R18, Graphic violence
- Runtime
- 133
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin
- France