Having avoided a health scare revolving around their child, a seemingly happy couple's relationship starts to dissolve in this Danish...
Having avoided a health scare revolving around their child, a seemingly happy couple's relationship starts to dissolve in this Danish drama adapting the novel by Anna Ekberg.
It would appear that Christian and Leonora have it all. They are living the perfect life with their son, who's just been declared healthy after a serious long-term illness. Their future seems bright, but at a party at Christian's company, Leonora sees her husband with a younger woman, architect Xenia. Leonora realises that Christian might leave her. On the spot, Leonora makes a decision: she refuses to be the woman who got left behind – and will avoid this by any means necessary.
Where to watch Loving Adults
Loving Adults | Details
- Runtime
- 106
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin
- Denmark
- Studio
- Netflix Original