A semi-autobiographical coming of age tale, set amongst the Chilean coup of 1973. nzalo (who looks strikingly like Patty from...
A semi-autobiographical coming of age tale, set amongst the Chilean coup of 1973. nzalo (who looks strikingly like Patty from 'Peanuts') is a timid, only child of a well-to-do family. His new classmate and friend is Pedro Machuca who lives in a shanytown, and is a beneficiary of the socialist teacher's programme to integrate kids from the slum into the middle class school. Though their backgrounds are politically and socially opposite, they become friends amid the growing turmoil.
"Though Wood surrounds the boys with evidence of gathering middle-class determination to keep the underclass at bay, the coup, when it hits, is as devastating in its suddenness as in its inexorability" (B. Gosden, NZ Film Fest).
"Though Wood surrounds the boys with evidence of gathering middle-class determination to keep the underclass at bay, the coup, when it hits, is as devastating in its suddenness as in its inexorability" (B. Gosden, NZ Film Fest).
Machuca | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of over 16 Film Festival Audience Awards.
- Rating
- M, contains violence & offensive language
- Runtime
- 110
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Chile, Spain, UK, France