Toni Collette, Harvey Keitel, Rossy de Palma and Michael Smiley lead this romantic comedy about an unexpected love affair that...
Toni Collette, Harvey Keitel, Rossy de Palma and Michael Smiley lead this romantic comedy about an unexpected love affair that starts at dinner and spreads to the Paris streets.
"Anne (Collette) and Bob (Keitel), a wealthy, well-connected American couple, move into a manor in Paris. While preparing a luxurious dinner for sophisticated international friends, Anne discovers there are only 13 guests. So, she insists her loyal maid, Maria (Almodóvar regular Rossy de Palma; Julieta), disguise herself as a mysterious Spanish noblewoman to even out the numbers. Too much wine and some playful chat lead Maria to endear herself to a dandy British artbroker (Smiley). Their budding romance soon has Anne chasing her maid around Paris, reinventing the truth and finally plotting to destroy this most unexpected and joyous love affair." (Sydney Film Festival)
Where to watch Madame
Madame | Details
- Rating
- M, Offensive language, sexual references & nudity
- Runtime
- 91
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- France