Unsettling psychological thriller sees Alicia (Juno Temple) on a disorienting and increasingly panic-stricken trip to the Chilean countryside with her cousin...
Unsettling psychological thriller sees Alicia (Juno Temple) on a disorienting and increasingly panic-stricken trip to the Chilean countryside with her cousin Sarah (Emily Browning), Sarah’s boyfriend, his sister and their unhinged friend Brink (Michael Cera).
"If Alicia could just get some sleep, everything would be all right. As she and her cousin Sarah make their way through rural Chile with Sarah’s boyfriend, his sister, and their strange American friend Brink, Alicia’s insomnia slowly takes control. The difference between what is happening in reality and what is happening in her own mind becomes less and less clear. After she takes a stab at hypnosis to help solve the problem, things only get worse. As her waking nightmare continues, will her “friends” be her salvation or her downfall?" (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch Magic Magic
Magic Magic | Details
- Rating
- R16, Horror, violence, sex scenes and offensive language
- Runtime
- 97
- Genre
- Horror, Thriller
- Country of origin
- USA, Chile