Directed by actor-turned-filmmaker Jean-Paul Rouve, Memories is a 2014 French dramedy about a grandmother's escape from her rest home and...
Directed by actor-turned-filmmaker Jean-Paul Rouve, Memories is a 2014 French dramedy about a grandmother's escape from her rest home and subsequent adventure with her grandson. Based on the novel by David Foenkinos and starring Annie Cordy and Mathieu Spinosi.
23-year-old night porter and aspiring novelist Romain Esnart's (Spinosi) family is going through a rough patch. His grandfather passes, his parents are undergoing a midlife crisis and his 85-year-old grandmother Madeleine (Cordy) has escaped from her retirement home. When Romain receives a postcard from Madeleine who reveals she is in her hometown of Normandy, he borrows his father's car to look for her.
Memories (2014) | Details
- Rating
- M, Offensive language & adult themes
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- France