The true story of a young American tourist who, busted for smuggling hashish, is sentenced for 30 years in a...
The true story of a young American tourist who, busted for smuggling hashish, is sentenced for 30 years in a Turkish prison. Forced to endure brutality on a daily basis, he realises he will die unless he escapes. Based on the 1977 memoir by Billy Hayes, adapted to the screen by Oliver Stone.
Where to watch Midnight Express
Midnight Express | Details
- Award winner
- Best Adapted Screenplay and Original Score, Academy Awards 1979. Best Director, Editor, Supporting Actor (Hurt) at the 1979 BAFTA Awards. Best Film (Drama), Debut (Miracle and Davis), Supporting Actor (Hurt), Original Score and Screenplay at the 1979 Academy Awards.
- Rating
- R16, contains violence
- Runtime
- 116
- Genre
- Drama, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin