Sundance Grand Jury Prize-nominated documentary that follows a Mexican family as they run a private ambulance in an increasingly cutthroat...
Sundance Grand Jury Prize-nominated documentary that follows a Mexican family as they run a private ambulance in an increasingly cutthroat industry.
"The Mexican capital is home to over nine million people and is serviced by just 45 government ambulances. The gap is filled by private, untrained paramedics, who race to accident scenes and scrabble for business. It’s a cut-throat environment, ethically problematic, and subject to much bribery and corruption. The Ochoa family are struggling to keep their ambulance on the road and make a living. Lacking medical skills and equipment but basically good-hearted (and always ready with a hug), the family are forced to negotiate fees with the sick, stressed and insolvent. " (Sydney Film Festival).
Where to watch Midnight Family
Midnight Family | Details
- Runtime
- 81
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Mexico