In this Sundance-winning drama set in 1980s Arkansas, a seven-year-old Korean American boy must come to terms with his surroundings...
In this Sundance-winning drama set in 1980s Arkansas, a seven-year-old Korean American boy must come to terms with his surroundings when their family moves to a mobile home in the middle of nowhere. To make matters stranger, his mischievous grandmother moves from Korea to live with them. Co-stars Steven Yeun (The Walking Dead) and Yuh-Jung Youn (The Housemaid) in an Oscar-winning performance.
Where to watch Minari
Minari | Details
- Award winner
- Best Supporting Actress (Yuh-Jung Youn) at the 2021 Academy Awards and BAFTAs. Best Film (Foreign Language) at the Golden Globes 2021. Grand Jury Prize & Audience Award at Sundance Film Festival 2020.
- Rating
- PG, Coarse language
- Runtime
- 115
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin